
To use Python USI submission REST API in a project, you should import Root and Auth in order to interact with USI endpoint ad EBI AAP:

from pyUSIrest.auth import Auth
from pyUSIrest.usi import Root


Using the BioSamples production endpoints: pyUSIrest is written in order to explot the BioSamples testing environment. You are incuraged to understand the whole process of data submission in the test environment. In order to do a real submission, you have to override the submission endpoints after importing modules before modifying submission objects:

pyUSIrest.settings.AUTH_URL = ""
pyUSIrest.settings.ROOT_URL = ""

Creating an Auth object

With an Auth object, you’re able to generate a AAP token from EBI and use it in browsing USI endpoint. You can instantiate a new Auth providing your AAP username and password:

auth = Auth(user=<usi_username>, password=<usi_password>)

Alternatively you can create an Auth object starting from a valid token:

auth = Auth(token=<token_string>)

Creating an USI User

In order to create a new USI user, with pyUSIrest you can use the method create_user of the User class:

from pyUSIrest.usi import User

user_id = User.create_user(
    full_name=<your full name>,

Creating a Team

To create a team, you will need to create a new User from a valid Auth object, then you could create a team using the create_team method:

from pyUSIrest.usi import User
user = User(auth)
team = user.create_team(description="Your description")


remember to ri-generate the token in order to see the new generated team using pyUSIrest objects

Add Profile to Domain


You don’t need to do this with a new generated user. You should use this method only if you experience problems when creating a submission.

To create a profile for a team:

domain = user.get_domain_by_name(<team name>)
domain.create_profile(attributes={"centre name": "My Institution"})

For more informations, take a look to creating a domain profile

Adding User to Team

To add a user to a team, you need to provide a user_id, like the one obtained by creating a user, or by calling get_my_id from a User instance:

user = User(auth)
user_id = user.get_my_id()

Next, you need to find out the domain reference of a team using a team name and get_domain_by_name method:

domain = user.get_domain_by_name(
domain_id = domain.domainReference

To add user to a team call add_user_to_team:

user.add_user_to_team(user_id=user_id, domain_id=domain_id)

Create a Submission

From a valid Root object, get the Team object providing the team_name in which the submission will be created. Then create a new Submission using the create_submission method:

team = root.get_team_by_name(<your team name>)
submission = team.create_submission()

If you got a ConnectionError exception during last command, you need to add a profile to your domain as described in add profile to domain.

Add Samples to a Submission

In order to add sample to a submission, define a dict for sample data, then add them using create_sample. In the following example, a test animal and a sample from that animal are created:

# define data as dictionaries. Ensure that mandatory keys
# are provided or biosample will throw an error
animal_data = {
  'alias': 'animal_1',
  'title': 'A Sample Organism',
  'releaseDate': '2018-06-19',
  'taxonId': 9940,
  'taxon': 'Ovis aries',
  'attributes': {'material': [{'value': 'organism',
    'terms': [{'url': ''}]}],
  'project': [{'value': 'A Sample Project'}]},
  'sampleRelationships': []}

# add this animal to submission
sample = submission.create_sample(animal_data)

# Now generate a sample derived from the previous one.
# This link is provided by sampleRelationships key
sample_data = {'alias': 'sample_1',
  'title': 'A Sample Speciemen',
  'releaseDate': '2018-06-19',
  'taxonId': 9940,
  'taxon': 'Ovis aries',
  'description': 'A Useful Description',
  'attributes': {'material': [{'value': 'specimen from organism',
     'terms': [{'url': ''}]}],
   'project': [{'value': 'A Sample Project'}]},
  'sampleRelationships': [{'alias': 'animal_1',
    'relationshipNature': 'derived from'}]}

# add this sample to the submission
sample = submission.create_sample(sample_data)

Check and finalize a Submission

Querying for biosample validation status

After submitting all data, before finalize a submission, you need to ensure that all the validation steps performed by USI are done with success. You can query status with get_status:

status = submission.get_status()
print(status)  # Counter({'Complete': 2})

status will be a collections.Counter object. In order to finalize a submission to biosample, get_status need to return only Complete as status (not Pending), with a number equal to the number of samples attached to submission

Checking errors

Another method to check submission status before finalizing it is to check for errors with has_errors method:

errors = submission.has_errors()
print(errors)  # Counter({False: 1, True: 1})

If there is any True in this collections.Counter object, submission has errors and can’t be finalized. You will need to search for sample with errors in order to remove or update it. Only when this function return False with a number equal to the number of attached samples, a submission can be finalized.

Finalize a Submission

After managing sample and validation statuses, if everything is ok you can finalize your submission with finalize:


After finalization, you can’t add more data to this submission. You may want to reload your data in order to retrieve the biosample ids, as described by get samples from a submission.

Fetch a submission by name

In order to get a submission by name, call get_submission_by_name from a valid Root object:

root = Root(auth=auth)
submission = root.get_submission_by_name(

Get Sample from a submission

In order to get all samples for a submission, you can call the method get_samples on a Submission object:

samples = submission.get_samples()

You can also filter out samples by validationResult or if the have errors or not. For a list of validationResult, check the output of get_status:

# fetching pending samples
samples_pending = submission.get_samples(validationResult='Pending')

# get samples with errors
samples_error = submission.get_samples(has_errors=True)